Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 4:13 AM
Wee. . .got back my report book.Damn,get only 4th in class,so sad hoping to get in top 3. . .haiz nvm i will try my best to strive third in future.Those who fail don give up,read more books,be more curious in any subejects,this will help to improve your subjects =3.Well. . .missing my friends in Melbourne and I wanted to go too!!!!Lol,looks so fun going there to learn.
Well,basically today abit tired go running and doing some projects.And playing some audition at friends house for a while. . .Cross country coming in abt 2weeks,going to shout soon cant wait to cheer!!!hehe. . .
Don know why feel abit sad,I also feeling sad becos listen to some music very touching.These are the few songs I have been listening seldom. . ."Baby by Justin Biebe,We are The World,Whatcha Say and Down Down Down"try listen to them it is nice to listen ^__^
Wednesday, March 10, 2010 @ 1:47 AM
Today was a fun but tired SPORTS DAY hehe. . .Early morning suddenly rain but until I reach there,the rain get smaller.Today Atlas was hyper for the cheering especially me^^ I like shouting but got sorethroat alrdy hehe =3.Our Cheer goes like this:ATLAS OI!!![Leader]OI!!!![members]ATLAS OI!!! OI!!!!! ATLASATLAS SUPSUP OI!!!!WoooATLAS WOOO!!!!! ATLAS LAH!!!!ATLASATLAS WOO LAHLAH!!!!NORTH,SOUTH,EAST,WEST,WHO"S THE BEST?
ATLASATLAS IS THE BEST WOOOT!!!!!I like so hyper until my head pain hehe. . .after the cheer rehearsal,the people from diff houses came to compete with one another for running. . .some was fast and some was slow but all had try their best in everything. . .For ATLAS,the most pride we get from the relay was the B division girls 4x400m relay.They run like DAMN FAST SEYY!!!my eyes cant believe that at all O.O"But finally the end of the Sports Day,we have announce the winners!!!For the whole day of Track and Field,the chamion goes to the Alphine Team and congratulations Alphine Team you all did a great job ^^ and for ATLAS, we have won the champion for thr CHEERLEADING!!!This is the one and the only one that makes me proud. . .throughout all the shouting and painfulness in my throat,our hard work had not wasted,we have the LOUDEST CHEER and the most best cheer for me hehe =3 Congratulations to ATLAS!!! WOOT!!!!!Some of the houses had not get much prizes but keep it. . .We must learn the values:"EXCELLENCE,FRIENDSHIP and RESPECT"For me i will add another one more is DON GIVE UP!!!!Once you have given up that means all ur hard work has been wasted,so go for it othe houses,i believe you all can do better than today during the CROSS COUNTRY ^^